Friday 15 March 2013

Solvent Transfer

Skirt and Dash images, solvent transfer on paper, 2013, H F M Jones

Yet another side project has spawned throughout this spring term. I've become rather hooked on this process of taking a magazine image - manipulate image - photocopy image - then solvent transfer the image onto cartridge paper etc. Authenticity still in mind, I am removing the image from it's original source and working into it again and again with the result (above)of a faded, un-glossy, yet still pleasant image. Because I have 'removed' the images in multiple ways away from the magazine, does it now make the images mine?

'selpooK ehT', solvent transfer on paper, 2013 H F M Jones
The prints have an ephemeral, past look to them - it looks great, but this could be a misguiding factor. I do find photographs from the past fascinating and they do inspire my work, but I am not aiming to create a nostalgia currently. It could be another offshoot to work on a bit later - the present will be the past, what we see will ultimately be ancient... etc. etc.

Couple/Girl, solvent transfer on paper, 2013, H F M Jones
Faint image on wall - solvent transfer on wall.

Mash up of images on fabriano paper - prep. for cutting up (March 2013) H F M Jones
I thought it might be interesting to just transfer as many images onto/overlapping on paper to then cut up and manipulate again. The disappointing factor was that the wall surface was not even so not all of the prints were as good quality as they could've been. There was no great plan of composition etc. due to the intention to cut up etc. so it isn't really a 'piece'.

Wednesday 6 March 2013


For a while I had considered recreating/ styling my own photographs of fashion and glamour magazines to work from - I wondered whether my work was authentically my own due to the source of the material etc. As a collaboration with my uni friend CC, we finally achieved this mini project. Here are a few examples of the photographs;

L - H F M Jones 2013

E - H F M Jones 2013

H - H F M Jones 2013
The aim is to, naturally, collage the photos - separately and perhaps with magazine images too. I doubt knowing the people I have photographed will affect the process of my work - brings about more questions really - is the source of the photos original because we took them? Are they original at all if we consider outside influences e.g. poses, clothes, styles of different origins? etc.