Friday 24 May 2013

Degree Show plans

Final plans for the degree show have been underway.

It was slightly difficult to finalise on a layout of the work - I feared that too many examples of the collages would appear too much, or simply 'filling space'. Apologies for the poor photography in this post!

A block display - too much information at once for a viewer.
Possible scatter display - looks awful and too chaotic compared to the controlled collages.

I selected a maximum of 8 collages as examples of the process development.

The final main-wall display. The display had to be incredibly structured to continue the 'controlled' system... The separate blocks works better than the once large block. 

Right wall
Left wall

x4 Image Collage - H F M Jones, 2013.

I thought it would be a shame not to have the most latest collaged piece feature within the show. It will be displayed alongside the 'developed' works.

The final selection for the show was 36 of the 'Manipulated Image' series, alongside two large print outs, a solvent transfer and the most recent x4 page collage. It was important to show a large number of the collages, for they reflect the hours of work put in. The support work (prints and developing collage) show what I have been considering etc. Ultimately, I am exhibiting a 'process'.

CSAD FINE ART DEGREE SHOW 2013 +!/events/245941615546402/

OPENS Saturday 8th June 10-6pm (show open everyday 10-6pm, except on closing date Friday 14th 10-2pm). Follow updates for the show on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram at #CSAD13.

Monday 20 May 2013

A0 prints

Considering the degree show, I had some extra A0 B+W matte prints made of the collages.

I would like some of these prints to feature within the show, because I feel they are the most successful to date of the collage-development works.

The poor quality of the prints - pixelated dots / visual white noise - is in itself, an interesting tool of distortion, removing the original image slightly further away from the glossy magazine. I also really like that the paper is thin - easy to tear away etc.

(Excuse the poor photography within this post) -

A0 B+W Diamond print - H F M Jones, 2013.

Detail of A0 B+W - H F M Jones, 2013
I just adore the quality of this print.

A0 B+W Orange print - H F M Jones, 2013.

A0 B+W x4 image print - H F M Jones, 2013.
I was a bit disappointed with this print (above). The original piece of work was too big to scan at the university, so it had to be copied and printed on site - thus the quality turned out very well!

A0 B+W Tape Face print - H F M Jones, 2013.

Friday 17 May 2013

Four image collage

The most latest collage works have been focused upon obliterating sections and creating a contagious/morphing/merging of single and grouped images.

x4 in progress - H F M Jones, 2013.
The collages now hold multiple contexts and explorations developed over the academic year. With the latest work of 4 images attached and merging as one piece, I hope that I have achieved a translation of what's been going on within my practice somehow! (Completed image to be added soon).

x4 in progress - H F M Jones, 2013.
(Back of) x4 in progress - H F M Jones, 2013.
x4 in progress - H F M Jones, 2013.
x4 in progress - H F M Jones, 2013.

x4 in progress - H F M Jones, 2013.
x4 in progress - H F M Jones, 2013.

Thursday 16 May 2013

Last minute side project

Since getting the large print-outs made (previous post), I have considered what the collages would look like as billboard advertisements. Seeing the work in this way could bring about interesting questions about the context of the collage work.

I posted a few of my 'posters' around the Cardiff city centre area, trying to keep an eye on what happens to them - whether ripped off, covered, defaced etc.

A3 photocopy on Cardiff advertisement pod - H F M Jones, 2013.
x2 A2 photocopies on Cardiff advertisement pod - H F M Jones, 2013.
Partly just for fun at this point, I've made a 6x4ft billboard-type construction to just layer up large copies of the collages in both B+W and colour.

The first few layers were actually waxy paper, newspaper and fabriano paper before I was brave enough to start gluing down my own images.


Progression of image billboard - H F M Jones, 2013.

It got to a point where aesthetically I was pleased with it, but was concerned the piece did not link well to my original collages - due to the chaotic appearance of the board in comparison to the very controlled collages. The board was in a kind of limbo of finished/unfinished. After tutorials and peer chats, I've just stuck lots of material which isn't mine onto the board and other things e.g. tickets.

Continued image billboard - H F M Jones, 2013.

Ongoing image billboard - H F M Jones, 2013.

The piece could easily work as an interactive piece, where the viewer peals off sections to reveal my own images beneath the new junk.

Saturday 11 May 2013

Large collage prints - (March - April 2013)

 (Back image of collage) - A0 B/W Print - March, 2013. H F M Jones
As a suggestion to simply scale up with the collages, I had cheap black and white prints made; I was surprisingly pleased with the outcomes. I accidently left the dpi quite low when I scanned the images in for printing, with the result of grainy/dotty images.  The image above is particularly interesting as it makes the viewer work harder to decipher the sentences swirled around.
These prints, of course, remove the glossy appeal of the original images. This process of removing the image further away from the source is really interesting to me -
  • Model beautified and photo shoot set up
  • Photographs taken
  • Photoshop editing of image
  • Printed image in magazine
  • Image selected by myself from magazine and manipulated
  • Manipulated image scanned
  • Scanned (usually colour) image digitally enlarged and printed as B/W image
  • Large B/W image taped to the wall
  • Image on the wall photographed and posted onto blog

Gold and Purse Print - A1 B/W, 2013.  H F M Jones

(Back of) Gold and Purse Print - A1 B/W, 2013. H F M Jones

'Beauty' Print - A1 B/W, 2013. H F M Jones
I'm extremely keen for these prints to feature within my degree show somehow - considering frames, tacked to the wall, montage pieces e.g. billboard style etc. The different options create a different context for the images.

Monday 6 May 2013

Jan/Feb/March/April Collages - Part 1

Slightly late with posting up the images of this terms' collages -

Untitled A4 Collage - H F M Jones 2013
I found that throughout the term, the collages became more decorative - causing them to become less interesting to view. I needed to bring back that kick of disturbance to the image, so towards the end of March/April I focused more upon 'obliterating' sections of images. I've become interested in the concept of the ideal image creating a growing/contagious effect; the idea of one image influencing many viewers that what they see is essential to function within popular culture perhaps. hmm.

The work is also a vehicle to explore authenticity - not just the reality of the images we view, but of the work belonging to the originator (fashion industry), or myself as the one who selected and manipulated the image. Digitalising the work can only be seen as another action of authenticating the work as my own to some extent.
Untitled A4 Collage - H F M Jones 2012/13
Untitled A4 Collage - H F M Jones 2012/13

Untitled A4 Collage - H F M Jones 2013
Untitled A4 Collage - H F M Jones 2013

Untitled A4 Collage - H F M Jones 2013
Untitled A4 Collage - H F M Jones 2013
Untitled A4 Collage - H F M Jones 2013

Untitled A4 Collage - H F M Jones 2013
Untitled A4 Collage - H F M Jones 2013

Untitled A4 Collage - H F M Jones 2013

G + K, A4 Collage - H F M Jones 2013

Untitled A4 Collage - H F M Jones 2013

Untitled A4 Collage - H F M Jones 2013
Untitled A5 Collage - H F M Jones 2013
Untitled A4 Collage - H F M Jones 2013

Gold + Purse, A4 Collage - H F M Jones 2013

[Back image of] Gold + Purse, A4 Collage - H F M Jones 2013
Untitled A4 Collage - H F M Jones 2013

Untitled A4 Collage - H F M Jones 2013

Untitled A4 Collage - H F M Jones 2013

Untitled A4 Collage - H F M Jones 2013
Diamond Face, A4 Collage - H F M Jones 2013

Beauty, A4 Collage - H F M Jones 2013

High, A4 Collage - H F M Jones 2013
Untitled A4 Collage - H F M Jones 2013

Untitled A4 Collage - H F M Jones 2013

Untitled A4 Collage - H F M Jones 2013

Untitled (Photo of E in progress) A4 Collage - H F M Jones, April2013