Friday 24 May 2013

Degree Show plans

Final plans for the degree show have been underway.

It was slightly difficult to finalise on a layout of the work - I feared that too many examples of the collages would appear too much, or simply 'filling space'. Apologies for the poor photography in this post!

A block display - too much information at once for a viewer.
Possible scatter display - looks awful and too chaotic compared to the controlled collages.

I selected a maximum of 8 collages as examples of the process development.

The final main-wall display. The display had to be incredibly structured to continue the 'controlled' system... The separate blocks works better than the once large block. 

Right wall
Left wall

x4 Image Collage - H F M Jones, 2013.

I thought it would be a shame not to have the most latest collaged piece feature within the show. It will be displayed alongside the 'developed' works.

The final selection for the show was 36 of the 'Manipulated Image' series, alongside two large print outs, a solvent transfer and the most recent x4 page collage. It was important to show a large number of the collages, for they reflect the hours of work put in. The support work (prints and developing collage) show what I have been considering etc. Ultimately, I am exhibiting a 'process'.

CSAD FINE ART DEGREE SHOW 2013 +!/events/245941615546402/

OPENS Saturday 8th June 10-6pm (show open everyday 10-6pm, except on closing date Friday 14th 10-2pm). Follow updates for the show on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram at #CSAD13.

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