Monday 12 November 2012

Autumn 2012

I'm now into my 3rd year at CSAD, continuing to push forward both collage and 3D figure work. The context of my work is still unclear at times when I present / exhibit to my peers and tutors. The figures are born from my interest in assemblage of materials into mostly improvised characters. My collage on the other hand is more focused upon the source material itself - Vogue magazine cut-outs manipulated into distorted versions of the questionable 'reality' they present in themselves. 

I'm also currently tackling my dissertation alongside the studio work - still to be given an official title,  I will be discussing 'The theme of the Gothic within contemporary art', focusing upon Oscar Wilde's  only novel 'The Picture of Dorian Gray' (1891) in relation to artist Yinka Shonibare and referencing adaptations made of the novel throughout the twentieth century. I'm constantly unearthing information linked to my studio practice through my dissertation research that I want to clearly channel into the work this term.         

Term started with plans to continue figure making and combining the collage work closer to the overall design and making of them.

Generally, I plan the basic design of the figures so I can then improvise the outer designs. 'Clown' was a very considered piece, based upon an original toy design from the 1980's. The paper weave on the left was specifically made to replicate the orignal knitted blue jumper he wears etc.

Early stages of 'Clown' - Mixed Media (2012) H F M Jones

'Clown? Dorian? Narcissus?' Photograph experimentation (2012) H F M Jones

The photograph above of Clown and the mirror is an obvious reference to Wilde's novel; at this point in the term, I was/am still considering ways to show the figures whether it be in scenarios, as they are, photographs, particular narratives or contexts etc. Photographs of work don't bother me, but they become questions - are the objects the piece or is the photograph the piece? etc.

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