Thursday 1 November 2012

A to B ... Painting

I have been looking over, rehashing and wondering at my choices of practice from school / Foundation / 1st Year BA / 2nd Year - Present. It's strange how you cling onto particular ideas and easily discard so many others over such a short period of study. That's what keeps your practice interesting I guess.

Whilst at school, I was convinced that I would be an avid painter today. When I look back on my paintings from this time, I feel as though I have slightly let myself down; I haven't painted in months, I've instead collaged and made 3D figures. I love it, (the collage), but miss the paint.

'Chidgey's Cornet' section study, Acrylic on canvas, (2009) H F M Jones

It's clear from this image I still had a lot to learn about painting anyway!

During Foundation as I've mentioned, I got quite into collage. I was cutting up my photos, my parents old photos, any image I could get a hold of. Even the old Ladybird books fell victim to my new obsession. The merging of opposing images, cutting away and layering images was very exciting.

'Great Uncle Alf Cory + Grandad John Bates' Collage, (2009) H F M Jones

'Ladybird Window Views' Ladybird Book Cut-up, (2010) H F M Jones
Image manipulation of this nature has stuck quite firmly with me within my practice (and developed further I hope). In my first year practice in CSAD, I wanted to keep making these forced images to then paint from.

'Constant Chatter' Oil paint on canvas, (2011) H F M Jones
Despite the lack of oil painting knowledge present within the piece and the hideous technical faults (e.g. circle cut-outs mishapen etc.), I thouroughly enjoyed painting this collage. It may not have been a success, but it certainly was a learning curve. To sum up my first year practice, the collages became 'tight' for want of a better word, and my attempt to learn to paint with oils was a slow start.

'Looking / She's Gone' Collage, (2011) H F M Jones

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